What will the state of Louisiana do with the staggering numbers of suicide? Keep making cuts to the programs that are essential to suicide prevention? We sure hope not.
We can join the effort with hundreds of thousands of people to raise awareness and funds that allow the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) to invest in new research, create educational programs, advocate for public policy, and support survivors of suicide loss.
"We lose 22 veterans a day to suicide. That is just unacceptable." We have been consumed with talking about celebrities losing their fight to depression, but what about the 22 soldiers a day who protected us?
There are ways to seek help, but for me the hardest part was coming to terms with asking for it. I wanted to be strong and handle things on my own, but that isn't the reality of my situation and that is okay.
Hearing about Kate Spade's suicide and how so many American's are blown away by it all makes me remember exactly how it felt the day we lost our friend. We had no idea he was living in despair and had lost all hope.
Suicide claimed 39,518 lives in 2011 in the United States alone, with someone dying by suicide every 13.3 minutes. A suicide attempt is made every minute of every day, resulting in nearly one million attempts made annually.