Due to the coronavirus pandemic, Holly Hill Equestrian Center in Benton, LA wasn't able to hold their annual spring horse trials, however, they held a combined training event over the weekend and it was awesome!
It was another gorgeous weekend at Holly Hill Equestrian Center in Benton, LA with over 200 horse and rider teams competing at their bi-annual horse trials!
Holly Hill Equestrian Center in Benton, LA is a gorgeous facility owned by Dr. Bobby and Tracy Hewlett and over the weekend I had the honor of announcing for the Holly Hill Fall 2017 Horse Trials.
The 2017 Holly Hill Farm Spring Horse Trials were April 22-23 in Benton, LA at Holly Hill Equestrian Center where I once again had the honor of being the announcer for the weekend.
I was bursting with pride all weekend long as my new 8-year-old draft cross mare Kappa Sweetheart had a rock star showing at the 20th Anniversary Holly Hill Horse Trials at Holly Hill Equestrian Center in Benton, LA.
Yep, the crazy horse lady on the radio is back and ready for action this weekend at the Spring Holly Hill Horse Trials at Holly Hill Farm in Benton, LA.
Twice yearly, eventers from all over the country converge in beautiful Benton, LA at Holly Hill Equestrian Center owned by Bobby and Tracy Hewlett for the Holly Hill Horse Trials.