Renee Lodestro is This Week’s Recipient of Caught in the Act Award
Even while she's battling Stage Four bone cancer, Renee Lodestro takes the time to put others before herself. That's got to be the truest definition we've ever seen of what the Caught in the Act Award was designed for.
She fixes a smile on her face, pushes back the pain, and shows all the love in her heart to anyone who is lucky enough to cross her path! What a champion! We learned about this Wonder Woman in the nomination letter we received from her daughter-in-law, Dana Rushton! And that letter made it so easy to declare Renee the recipient of this week's Kiss Country Caught in the Act Award. Just see for yourself.
Renee is my mother-in-law, who is battling stage four bone cancer. But if you were to ever meet her you would never be able to tell. Renee is one of the most strongest, kind hearted people I know. She is always putting others before herself, and she does so with a smile on her face. If you are ever in a bind or just need a helping hand she does everything in her power to make sure your needs are met no matter the situation. For someone to be going through so much herself she is always willing to go through hell and high waters for everyone else. You couldn't ask for a better person. If anyone deserves to be recognized it is definitely her. One of the best people you will ever meet.
Renee Lodestro, thank you for being an inspiration to us all and a big reason why this is the greatest place in America to live!
And because you've been "Caught in the Act" the gang at Silver Star Smokehouse and Silver Star Grille have a $100 Gift Certificate for you to come have dinner on them!
Take a listen to the phone call we made to Renee to let her know that she was this week's Caught In The Act Award recipient.