Products You Wish Would Make a Comeback
It never fails, you find a favorite treat or a favorite restaurant and the next thing you know it is pulled off the market or closes. Shameful! You couldn't be the only person who loved Bennigan's? Maybe you were the only one? What places or products do you wish for a comeback from?
Remember Butterfinger BB's? They were one of my favorites! I thought they were genius. Some brilliant person thought to wrap each peanut butter bite in it's very own cocoon of chocolately goodness. Pure magic! Let's have a moment of silence for Butterfinger BB's.
moment of silence. . .
Okay, my #1 vote for Bring Back My Candy: Butterfinger BB's!
Here's an honorable mention for Bring Back My Cereal!
For you "kiddie-cereal" lovers: General Mills' French Toast Crunch. What's better than French Toast? Making it itty bitty and hard enough to break your teeth even after a good milk soaking. You know its the truth if you ever tried it.
Here's my vote for: Kinda Gross, But Bring it Back!
I have to admit, I bought it. I briefly had in my possession one bottle of slime green Heinz ketchup. Sadly, I didn't make it through the entire bottle before pitching it in the trash. I tried.
Is there a restaurant, a food, a vehicle, or anything else you wish would make a comeback?
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