Trick-or-Treating Banned in L.A. are We Next?
Update: According to KTAL 5 trick-or-treating is not canceled after all. Los Angeles was extremely vocal and now L.A. County public health officials reversed the ban however they are saying trick-or-treating is “not recommended.” Health officials are adamant that going door-to-door to get candy is not a good idea, and they are strongly advising against it.
Los Angeles officials have banned trick-or-treating this year. Didn't everyone know that COVID-19 ruins everything? Yup, even a fun holiday that we all look forward to. It's safe to say that the coronavirus has ruined everything except my appetite.
Trick-or-treating won’t be allowed in Los Angeles this Halloween according to KLTV. The L.A. County Department of Public Health broke several hearts with a news release explaining that it would be extremely difficult to maintain safe social distancing on porches and at front doors. The ban also includes “trunk or treating” where you can trick-or-treat from cars, as well as parties with non-household members.
Los Angeles has turned into the Grinch of Halloween. Seriously, even carnivals, festivals, live entertainment, and the eagerly anticipated haunted house attractions are prohibited. If you are genius enough to find a haunted house drive-through where you remain in your vehicle then you are able to celebrate Halloween outside of your home. Let's be real for a second, who is actually doing drive through Halloween haunted houses?
With Governor John Bel Edwards hesitating to put us into Phase 3, does this mean that he will be quick to cancel Halloween? We just not got the green light in Louisiana to have High School football. Could it be that Friday Night Lights are as good as it gets?
The better question here, do you feel comfortable with the idea of letting your kids go trick-or-treating this year?
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