Politicians Need To Know Louisiana Laws About Campaign Signs
Sometimes they inform but other times they can actually become part of the problem, and possibly pose safety risks to motorists.

What are they? Campaign signs. Obviously, politicians deem these signs necessary tools to properly advertise to potential voters, but in some cases, the candidates aren't playing by the rules.
The Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development just took to social media to remind these candidates that Louisiana has rules regarding where candidates can and cannot display these signs and in some municipalities, there are even rules regarding the maximum size of these signs.
Some of the more important laws regarding those signs are as follows:
- It is against Louisiana Law (RS 48:347) to put signs within the right of way of a state highway.
- Campaign signs in the state right of way will be removed and stored at the nearest DOTD parish maintenance unit for 30 days.
- The specific law regarding the prohibition these political campaign signs, according to the Louisiana State Legislature is RS 18:1470
RS 18:1470. Political advertising; prohibition
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, political campaign signs shall not be erected, displayed, or posted on any publicly owned property or right of way, or to or on any public utility pole or stanchion.
There are even rules regarding the length of time past an election date that these signs must be removed. In most cases, those rules are unique to different cities or municipalities, but specifically for Shreveport, shreveporttimes.com writes:
City law allows for the temporary placement of political signs in the city, which must be removed within one week after an election or political event ends.
So, for any aspiring candidates, or their dedicated supporters, please note that there are a number of rules regarding everything from location of the sign, to its size and even when it must be removed.
See more on the Louisiana State Legislature website HERE.
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