nun bags buck

A Pennsylvania nun has come under criticism after a picture of 10-point buck she bagged was posted on her diocese's Facebook page.

Sister John Paul Bauer is shown in her nun's habit holding the deer by the antlers.

Bauer says she had just said the rosary up in a tree stand when she killed the 200-pound buck Nov. 30. The high school theology teacher says it was the biggest of the three bucks she has killed in her 15-year hunting career.

Initial comments were largely positive. But as the page neared 1.5 million views, the Erie Diocese said that animal rights activists complained, vulgar comments were posted and it decided to take down the post.

Bauer adds that she waited in her tree stand for three hours and prayed the rosary.

Not long after, some deer passed through and she was able to shoot the largest buck.

She teaches at St. Mary’s in the area and they shared the photo of her with the deer on their Facebook page.

“In St. Mary’s, this is what you do.  You go hunting. Everybody goes hunting.  The coach, myself, the students,” she said.

Bauer had the buck butchered for sausage and steaks and shared it with two families.

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