North Louisiana Intense Drought Causes Burn Bans for 2 Parishes
If you've been thinking that things are dry here in Northwest Louisiana, you'd be right. As a matter of fact, wbrz.com is reporting that all of Louisiana is at the very least, "abnormally dry."
They report that all of North Louisiana is at least "severely dry" with portions of Northwest Louisiana and Northeast Louisiana registering as "extremely dry."
How Dry Is Severely Dry?
To get a better idea of the lack of rainfall we've experienced, Toledo Bend is currently at 168.96 feet, which is just over 3 feet below pool stage.
It's the severity of these dry conditions that caused two Northwest Louisiana parishes to issue burn bans effective Wednesday, February 9.
Webster Parish is One of the First Two Parishes to Issue a Burn Ban
The Webster Parish Police Jury issued the following statement in reference to the burn ban for Webster Parish.
The Webster Parish Fire Chiefs Association has requested a burn ban for all of Webster Parish to prohibit all outdoor burning and open fires (including fire pits). This request is due to the lack of adequate rainfall the parish has received lately placing it in an Extreme Drought condition. This ban does not apply to prescribed burns by the Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry. The ban is effective immediately and shall remain in force until such time the Webster Parish Fire Chiefs Association determines that the weather conditions are safe enough to cancel the burn ban.
There's Also a Burn Ban in Desoto Parish
Likewise, the Desoto Parish Police Jury on Wednesday, February 9, has issued a burn ban prohibiting all outdoor burning until further notice.
If you take a look at The Weather Channel's 10 Day Forecast, these burn bans could be around for a while as there's really not much of a chance of relief in the form of rain until next Wednesday evening and Thursday morning, 2/16 and 2/17, and that's only for about two thirds of the forecast area.
If conditions like this do continue, look for other Northwest Louisiana parishes to follow suit. Of course, we'll have that information if indeed it is warranted.
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