Newest Recipient of Kiss Country Caught in the Act Award Is Paul Wilson
Truth be told, I know Paul Wilson. We've been friends a long time, so when we saw his nomination letter from his daughter in law, Caitlin Wilson, and the kind words she had to say about Paul, I knew just how true they were.
Paul's a man of few words, but he truly lets his actions speak loudly of the kindness in his heart. A gentle giant who loves to fish, I mean LOVES to fish, but he also LOVES his family and he's the guy you'd love to have in your corner if something goes wrong and you just needed the help of a friend.
And Paul is this week's recipient of the Kiss Country Caught in the Act Award! Just imagine how you'd feel to hear these words penned by your own daughter in law.
I would like to nominate Paul Wilson for the caught in the act award. Mr Paul is my father in law. He’s truly one of the most selfless men I’ve ever met. To him family is everything! From driving 5 hours to just help set up a birthday party to taking his family to sams to just buy snacks for the grand baby. He’s driving 2 hours from his home to Doyline just for a family supper. And he’s most likely worked the entire weekend. He’s seriously one of the HARDEST working man that I know. He’s the only always always helping someone out just to stand in the shadows and ask for nothing in return. I can’t say over the last 12 years he’s helped my little family out and never expected anything in return. I’m beyond blessed to have married his son! Im truly hoping he shine the spot light on him for once! I truly wish they were more Paul Wilson’s in this world! He deserves this more than anyone I know!
Paul Wilson, thank you for being one of the "good guys" and being a big reason why this is the greatest place in America to live!
And because you've been 'Caught in the Act' the gang at Silver Star Smokehouse have a $100 Gift Certificate for you and the family to come have dinner!
Take a listen to the phone call we made to Paul to let him know that he was this week's Caught In The Act Award recipient.