New Nude Waterpark Is Set to Open
First Canada made weed legal, and now they're blowing our minds by allowing a totally nude waterpark to open up. Splasher's Pleasure Park will be opening up on Lake Louise located in Banff National Park in the Canadian Rockies. There is no doubt it will upset a lot of families who were hoping to enjoy the water park with their kids. 27 acres of fun waterslides and rides, a fabulous Fairmont Hotel, any many nudists are thrilled with the fact that clothes are optional. There is no doubt that the view from the Fairmont Hotel will drastically change.
We have so many questions, like the rides. There has to be a health hazard somewhere, you know when you jump on a tube and go down a big slide, how would we protect the family jewels? Will the waterpark have extra filters to make sure the water is extra clean? I know several doctors claim that sleeping in the nude is good for your skin, but the thought of catching a dry spot bare butt on a waterslide makes me think that all nudists are brave. Would you visit this adult waterpark? Remember to hold off on visiting the nude park until it's not so cold!
We dug a little further into this nude waterpark and according to several reddit users it seems to be a hoax, we still wonder if this could ever become a real waterpark, maybe Florida can make it happen! Turns out a radio show created this hoax and trolled and upset a lot of people. The show is called This Is That "This Is That is an award-winning satirical radio program that doesn't just talk about the issues, it fabricates them. Each week, hosts Pat Kelly and Peter Oldring introduce you to the voices and stories that give this country character in this 100% improvised send-up of public radio."