National Night Out Party Guide for Shreveport, Bossier and Caddo

Just like everything else, we do things a little differently here in Shreveport, Bossier and the rest of the Ark-La-Tex!
National Night Out was celebrated by the rest of the country back on Tuesday, August 2, 2022, but not here in Shreveport.
Why don't we celebrate National Night Out when everyone else does? That's easy! It's because it's too stinkin' hot! National Night Out is the first Tuesday in August for the rest of the country, but for states like Texas and other select areas like ours, we gather on the first Tuesday in October. This year's National Night Out festivities will fall on Tuesday, October 4, 2022.
What's the purpose of National Night Out?
According to the National Night Out website, it's 'an annual community-building campaign that promotes police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie.' In short, it's a great way to get out, eat some good food, and break bread with your neighbors. Statistics show that a close-knit neighborhood is a safer neighborhood.
Sounds good, right? However, you need to register for your neighborhood's National Night Out party. If you live in Shreveport, you can register by going to ShreveportLa.gov. This year's theme in Shreveport is 'Unity in the Community.'
If you'd like to register for a National Night Out party in the unincorporated areas of Caddo Parish, you can download the application here. Your application must be completed and returned to the Caddo Parish Sheriff's Office substation nearest to the applicant’s residence no later than September 27. If approved, a copy of the application will serve as the citizen's permit to block portions of their street.
To register your National Night Out party in Bossier Parish, all you have to do is contact the Bossier Sheriff's Office at 318-965-2203. Bossier Parish Sheriff’s Office deputies and other parish first responders will be out and about meeting residents from 5:30 - 8:30 pm and fingerprinting children.
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