Louisiana Has Been Ranked #1! By the CDC. For Syphillis.
There are a lot of surveys and polls that come out that show where the best and worst places to live are, where kids are the happiest, and a million other metrics that judge one state or city against another. Quite frankly, Louisiana doesn't come in #1 a lot.
That's all about to change, because the CDC has finally taken notice of how truly dirty the dirty south can be. According to the latest data, Louisiana is #1 when it comes to Primary and Secondary Syphillis. Not only that, but we have a commanding lead - the infection rates in the Bayou State are twice the national average.
As much as I like beating St. Louis at someting, this is a serious issue. If you, or your friends are sexually active - tell them to be careful. Louisiana is second when it comes to Chlamydia and Gonorrhea as well, making the impromptu hook ups in this state extra hot! Use protection, and if you have any questions - ask your doctor to test you for all of the things.