Louisiana’s Controversial Ban on Abortions is Now in Full Effect

Since the Supreme Court's wildly controversial ruling on June 24th that reversed the landmark January 22nd, 1973 decision in the case of Roe vs. Wade, the entire country has lost its collective mind.
We've seen protest after protest both condemning and praising the high court decision to allow the individual states to decide whether to legally allow women to seek abortions. Some states, like Louisiana, had so-called "trigger laws" in place in the event that Roe Vs. Wade were to ever be overturned - but that particular strategy didn't work as planned. When the trigger law went into place, it was immediately halted by the order of Louisiana District Judge Robin Giarrusso.
The judge issued a temporary restraining order banning the enforcement of the abortion ban based on a lawsuit that had been filed in her court by a north Louisiana abortion clinic and others. According to a report from ABC News, the ban on the ban has now been removed. On Friday, July 1st, State District Judge Ethel Julien said that Giarrusso did not have the authority to halt the abortion ban. Judge Julian reportedly stated that the lawsuit challenging the ban should have been filed in the state court in Baton Rouge.
So, what happens now with the 3 abortion clinics operating in Louisiana? It's not exactly clear, but according to Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry - if they continue to operate, they will be doing so "under their own risk."