Joey + Rory Feek have been walking a difficult path, but the road in front of them seemingly just got a little bit brighter.

Joey was recently diagnosed with Stage IV cervical cancer, a year after undergoing surgery during her first bout with the disease. She had surgery again on Thursday (July 9), and the following day Rory reached out via his blog, This Life I Live, to let fans know that everything went well.

"Today was a good day," he writes. "After a long night of chills and fevers and her body temperature rising and falling…late this morning Joey started stabilizing and coming out of the remaining effects of deep fog the anesthesia had put her in. By noon the nurses had her on her feet and “walking” down the hall – holding onto a walker and her IV tree, as she made dozens of very small steps in the right direction. An hour ago, two of the nurses were gently bathing my bride, telling her stories and french-braiding her hair. This place is truly wonderful."

The couple were even recognized by some fans, who approached their manager and said, "Tell Joey and Rory not to worry… in here, everyone is treated like a celebrity."

Joey's surgery took 10 hours, and afterward, her surgeon told Rory that he believes they were able to remove all of her main tumor, along with two infected lymph nodes and other affected areas. "All-in-all, he was very positive and hopeful," Feek writes. "So we are too."

Joey will be in recovery for 7-10 days, and then the couple will get a couple of weeks at home before she starts chemotherapy and radiation, followed by 18 full weeks of more aggressive chemotherapy. "And during that phase, she’s going to be given the opportunity to look more like our sweet little Indiana," the couple's baby girl, he writes. "She’s gonna lose all of her pretty dark hair." He also posted a sweet picture of Indiana promising to be brave, giving her mom an adorable kiss.

"Some roads we go down in life are smooth and easy, and some we take are rough and rocky," Feek reflects. "This one’s gonna be a little bumpy and scary at times… but we’re gonna go down it together the same way we’ve gone down all the ones before — hand in hand — taking it one moment, one hour, and one day at a time."

Fans can send their cards and well wishes to Feek at this address:

Joey Feek
C/O Cancer Treatment Center of America
2520 Elisha Ave.
Zion, IL 60099

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