Joe Nichols Honors Billy Graham With “Billy Graham’s Bible”
My dad is a huge Billy Graham fan, he and my mom would try and go to all of his revivals when the crusade was going to be within a days drive from them. When I heard of Billy Graham's passing I had to call my dad and check on him. Billy Graham was a hero of his. My dad was looking for his old Billy Graham tapes. He swears he still has the tapes of Billy Graham live and can't wait to share them with me. Billy Graham was a hero and a mentor for so many, when I heard Joe Nichols' "Billy Graham's Bible" I instantly fell in love with the song. It reminded me of home. I thought the song would stay tucked away in the album and only listened to by the folks who buy the complete album.
Joe Nichols took to his Facebook page shortly after Billy Graham's passing and said "Rest In Peace Billy Graham! You were a true inspiration!" attached was the song that many of his fans didn't know existed. It's track number 9 off of his latest album "Never Gets Old". Here is "Billy Graham's Bible".