I Finally Tried That 30 Minute Sleep Drink!
A while ago I was yelling "Take my money!" to anything that could put me to bed at a decent hour and not have me waking up feeling groggy. My ideal bedtime is 11:00 p.m. however over the past several months my bedtime is more like 1:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m. I had read up on a few different options for people who struggle with falling asleep and staying asleep. I love my Zzz Quil, it never fails me, but I do wake up feeling a tad groggy, I can sleep well into 8:00 a.m. and ruin my morning routine. I've done different pills but they either knock me out for 16 hours or I feel like I downed Benadryl for 5 days straight. I had read about Som Sleep the company that swears they'll have you asleep within 30 minutes of drinking up the little miracle in a can.
I got ahold of Som Sleep, the drink. I tried it over the weekend just in case it was going to give me that ran over by a truck feeling. I can't remember what time I looked at the clock last but I am pretty sure I went to sleep at a decent hour over the weekend. Last night, I took it at 10:00 p.m. and I was a tad restless before I passed out, but eventually, I fell asleep. I wish I could tell you it was within the 30-minute window, but I don't remember like I don't have the slightest clue. Like they say in the South "Don't get me lyin' to ya" I'm happy to report I woke up an hour before my normal wake up time and I am feeling just as alert and focused as I normally am on a Monday. I will always be a skeptic until I try something. Som Sleep proved me wrong, I honestly thought they were just trying too hard with the marketing, Som Sleep's claim to 30 minutes or less is no joke. What sleep aids have you tried that you swear by? Tell us about it in the comments below.
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