How to Make the Drink That I Swear Kills My Nasty Hangovers
I have been known to celebrate with a little bit of alcohol. What am I celebrating? I have no idea, but I am always down for some kind of celebration. What is the worst part of a fun night packed with booze? The angry hangover.
This summer I discovered Banana Bags through a friend. I had held off on drinking a lot of alcohol because of the nasty hangovers. One morning after a night of drinking I discovered the power of these horrid tasting packets, it worked, my hangover was gone. The nana bags have helped me much more than Liquid IV and those hangover pills I bought at Whole Foods. Here is the bad part about the banana bags, they taste horrid.
My girlfriends all can barely handle the taste of them, just imagine how horrid they taste on a morning that you can barely keep anything down. I decided to try my hand at making this drink tolerable and of course, I stole some ideas from other people on how to make a drink to help cure a hangover.
Keep in mind after a night of drinking our bodies need a whole lot of water, vitamins B and C. The Banana Bags that I use have all those complex vitamins and I added some Himalayan salt and orange juice to help replace the sodium and glycogen that I lost the night before.
No one has time for hangovers, especially not with the holidays around the corner. We have too many parties full of good times and libations to attend If you need to order some Banana Bags just click here.
@krystalchicaHangover cure, it works EVERYTIME. #SamsClubScanAndGo #hangover #hungovercheck #cureahangover #hangovercure
You can use any type of juice, I just went with what I had in my fridge, and orange juice worked.