Have I Been Flirting Wrong This Whole Time?
The drive through line was 7 cars long this morning. I realized that if I wanted my iced coffee, and to make it to work on time, I would have to run inside the coffee shop. As I was waiting for the lords sweet nectar that helps me power through the day, I couldn't help overhear a conversation between two ladies in their mid thirties. "You didn't get out of the ticket? Was your flirting game off this morning?".
When I was on my way to work I called a friend to check in on her and I had to ask her "Hey do you flirt to get away with things you don't want to do?" She was quick to remind me about the broke college days and how sometimes there was only money for the cover to get in the club. The flirting frenzy for drinks was on. Keep in mind I'm the friend with the cute friends. They did most of the flirting while I wondered if I was able to cash in a drink for an appetizer instead.
The only flirting I do these days is with the guy making my burrito bowl at Chipotle. "Don't be shy with those portions baby!"
When do you pull out your gift of flirt? Does the art of flirting help you get away with certain things?