Gary Watson Visits an LSU-S Student Club
Yesterday, I had the privilege of talking to a student organization on the campus of LSU-S about my job.
If you've listened to me for any length of time on the radio, you'll know that I love what I do for a living. Basically, if I get an opportunity to talk about my job, I'm going to do it. Usually it's just to friends or family or random strangers on the elevator, and none of them want to hear my stories any more... and some have pepper spray.
That being said, The Public Relations Student Organization at LSU-S actually invited me to come and talk to their small but attentive group for about an hour.
According to their page on LSU-S' website:
The purpose of the Public Relations Student Organization is to provide LSUS students with the opportunity to learn from communications professionals from our community through hosting them as guest speakers and attending local communications events. PRSO also provides the opportunity to be involved with other students!
I talked about my job, how I got into radio, what I do on a daily basis, how the radio industry has changed over the last 20 years, and what we are focused on now. They all sat, listened, and even asked some very good questions.
All in all, I had a very nice experience with the students, and I hope they got something out of my 50 minutes.
If you're a student at LSU-S and would like to get involved with the PRSO, contact them at the above website.
P.S. I can't take a selfie to save my life...