Well here's something different.  We've had some problems with phone lines this week so we decided to play Ticket Trivia via the internet.  Doing something online; that's a unique concept huh?


Today's Ticket Trivia question is worth a pair of tickets for the Monster Nation Monster Truck Show on Saturday, January 21 and a pair of pit passes for that same night.

So here's your question:

2/3 of all women are more attracted to a man with one of these.  What? 

You have to comment with the correct answer on our Facebook page.  First correct answer wins...and we'll keep you up to date with some of the guesses on the air.

Good luck!  For a quick link to our Facebook page, just click HERE

CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR WINNER, John Blackstock was the first to comment on our Facebook page with the correct answer.  (A DOG)

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