With Valentine's Day coming in just a couple of weeks, we Americans really begin to focus on our love lives, or lack thereof.  And according to a recent research piece done by Match.com there are actually 5 different fights that couples should have and each of these is important to the growth and stability of the relationship.  Here are the suggestions of Dr. Gilda Carle, Ph.D.

1. Your personal freedom. Before the marriage, set up a “you” account, a “me” account, and a “we” account for funds. The more compromise a couple enjoys, the more devoted to each other they feel.
2. A healthy lifestyle. Share your needs and preferences in regards to smoking, diet and such with each other right from the start so you can test your partner’s buy-in on such matters.
3. Emotional and physical safety. Openly communicate your concerns about physical safety. Discover how far you’ll be willing to go for what your partner may call “love.”
4. Your own bathroom comfort. We all have pet peeves in regards to "our space" and what we deem are "bad habits" in regards to the bathroom.  Air your complaints with humor, because laughter accelerates and maintains the romance!
5. Togetherness. Unifying as a team bonds you against the big, ugly world. Fight for your mate’s success, self-esteem, and career goals while your honey fights for yours.  Relationships thrive when mates cheer each other on. With each new plan of togetherness, you strengthen your personal bond.

Another "battle" that should be fought should take place long before the rice ever flies on wedding day.  And this fight is the basis for 45% of altercations between a couple and believe it or not, it's not about sex, chores or even someone's ex.  It's all about their family.  Family ties run deep — and sometimes they’re deeper than you think. Before you get involved, determine your partner’s connection to his or her family, and whether you can live with it.

Good luck and we hope you have a great Valentines and always remember, everything goes down a little easier with a box of chocolates.


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