Darcy Gassiott Is This Week’s Recipient of Caught in the Act Award

I have to strain my brain pretty hard to remember back to being a senior in high school, but I'm almost certain that when I was that age, I was pretty much consumed with one thing. Me! Yep, it was only about me. Football, ACT test, girlfriend, homecoming and prom and whatever Mama was cooking for supper. Am I pretty sure most all of us were that way at that age.
That's what makes this week's Kiss Country Caught in the Act Award recipient so very special. She's only a senior in high school, and yet, she's already figured out what are the most important things in life.
She's Darcy Gassiott, and we actually learned of her awesomeness from her very own Mom, Melanie Gassiott. Just look at the nomination letter we got from Melanie as she choked back tears to brag on her baby girl.
Where to begin, oh where to begin. Darcy is our eldest daughter. She is a senior at Southwood High School. She is a blessing in disguise. For years she battled with the thought that she was not good enough for anything she had. She was told by a teacher that she was dumb and would not amount to anything. She battles with that statement and what that teacher said for years. Upon entering high school, she was a straight A student, worked hard in classes and showed a huge amount of love for her sisters and her family. She was nominated to be in National Honor Society and Beta Club. She started volunteering with both clubs as a requirement, but that has changed. She volunteers because she wants to now. She wants to help others and show others the love she has received in her life. Her volunteer work has taken her to the food bank, Common Ground and our church. She works in the nursery most Sundays. She helps with crafts, comforts babies and works in the music room with the young ones. She has been in choir for most of her school years. She is currently in the varsity choir at Southwood. She is ranked #1 in our district. She was nominated to be the Choir Sweetheart for Homecoming. She has been selected as Student of the Year at Southwood. She has turned that horrible comment into something wonderful. She has such a big heart and it shows in her volunteer work, school work and church life. This is why I am nominating our daughter for Caught in the Act.
Darcy Gassiott, thank you for being an inspiration to us all and a big reason why this is the greatest place in America to live!
And because you've been "Caught in the Act" the gang at Silver Star have a $100 Gift Certificate for you to come have dinner on them!
Take a listen to the phone call we made to Darcy to let her know that she was this week's Caught In The Act Award recipient.
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