Crawfish Season Still Improving
Mother Nature hasn't been kind to Louisiana over the past six months or so. We've had floods, tornadoes, drought, and another dismal season for the New Orleans Saints. We need a bright spot, we need some good news, we need crawfish.
If you've had an envy for crawfish but haven't satisfied that urge because prices were too high and the supply wasn't to your liking things are really starting to change.
LSU AgCenter aquaculture specialist Mark Shirley says conditions are looking up on both fronts. The supply is starting to become more reliable and the quality is improving too. That will most certainly affect the price.
But then as we get a more dependable volume coming in, you'll start to see the prices come down further. So if you've been waiting to eat some crawfish, you don't have to wait any longer.
In his comments to the Louisiana Radio Network Shirley suggested it was still too early to determine just how the season will play out. 2017 could be a record year for mudbugs or it could just be an outstanding season. Either way, hungry crawfish fanciers should be rewarded for their patience as the season progresses.
Shirley went on to say another factor in the enjoyment of the season is the quality and size of the catch. Since the winter has been relatively mild the crawfish are already at in the small to medium range but that should improve in the next few weeks as well.
That size should increase with some nice weather and as we get on into springtime. Most of them just need one more molt to get to be a really nice size crawfish.
If anything the promise of a better mudbug season can at least offer a bit of a break from the curveballs that Mother Nature has thrown our way.