Burglars Targeting Cars in Southeast Shreveport

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There have been a rash of car burglaries in Southeast Shreveport, with more than 30 cars broken into. Residents off Norris Ferry have stated:
They drove into our subdivision and then climbed a neighbor's fence to enter the other subdivision. They were very bold, walked right up to the cars which were right by doors. Threw belongings into the street they decided they didn't want.Three guys driving a small SUV with LED headlights broke into cars in my Shreveport neighborhood and the neighborhood right next to ours. In the video you can clearly see he is brandishing a handgun.This video was taken from my neighbor's camera. Maybe someone will recognize him. They hit about 30 cars and stole 3 guns. Someone should be able to recognize this guy. This was off of Norris Ferry in south Shreveport.
Police offer the following tips to help prevent your car from being broken into:
- Keep your car doors locked and windows closed.
- Secure your car keys.
- Park your car in secure areas.
- Remove valuables from the car.
- Protect your car's wheels.
- Activate your car alarm.
- Install safety devices.
- Properly insure your vehicle
Neighbors are asking other neighbors in the area to check their surveillance for May 7th at 2:00am.
Any information you may have about these vehicle break-ins and thefts please contact SPD at (318) 673-7300
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