Am I out of my mind for my sincere interest in cloth diapers? From everything I am reading, they really have come a long way from the burp cloth/wash cloth/diapers that were used by my mom. Cloth diapers even have snaps now to alleviate the misery of hoping you secured it enough to prevent imminent potty time disaster.



Here is my plan: purchase disposable diapers when I have coupons and use a combination disposable and reusable diapers.

Now, I'm not worried about the cleaning of the cloth diapers. Many of you may not know that I am also a registered nurse, and I have pretty much encountered the nastiest smells and messes that you can imagine. Poop? Not a big deal.

What I have never encountered, is motherhood. You tell me--is it crazy to attempt to tackle cloth diapers on my new parenting endeavor?

I found this GREAT deal on cloth diapers through Zulily. . . I'm thinking of snagging a few just to give it a try!

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