High School Yearbook
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If you can remember where you put your high school yearbook, take a look at your picture and see if you smiled.  Because in that very moment, you were actually locking in the fate of your future marriage. 

In a recent article from the Huffington Post, we learn that results from a new study have just been released and according to the study, the more intensely you smiled in your yearbook picture, the less likely you are to get divorced.

Those who didn’t smile at all were five times more likely to get divorced at some point in their lives compared to those who smiled the biggest.

Psychology Professor Matthew just released a book entitled “The Tell” that digs into the study and he’s got two theories about this phenomenon.

One of his theories is that people who are naturally happy and smiling go on to have happier marriages.  And his second theory is that people who smiled big when a photographer told them to are naturally more obedient, which tends to be a trait that can hold a marriage together.

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