Would You Wear This Just to See a Concert?

If 2020 has made anything clear, it's that it doesn't like concerts. I tried to find the number of events, festivals, and concerts cancelled this year due to the Coronavirus pandemic crisis, but it's almost impossible to find. The problem is, so many things are being cancelled the number is always growing. So much so, Billboard magazine has a running list that is updated daily to help us keep track - and even it gets outdated.
The unfortunate truth is, we may not be able to catch a show anytime soon (as in this year) unless we take extreme measures. Luckily, human beings are all about being extreme - so we have a workaround. That's where the Micrashell comes in.
The Micrashell is a suit designed by Los Angeles-based concert design studio Production Club that (in theory) would allow you to party all night long with a few thousand wild concert revelers and stay relatively safe from germs like Coronavirus.
Popular Mechanics reports that the suit is fitted with a filtration system for breathing that's on par with the coveted N-95 masks that have been deemed the gold-standard for preventing the spread of germs. It also has an integrated face mask, sound system with a sub-woofer, Bluetooth connectivity, and next level noise cancelling. You can literally turn up the concert and turn down the annoying people around you!
The design is just a concept at present, but something like this could (and probably will) be seen at venues like the Centurylink Center in Bossier City very soon if widespread illnesses continue to interrupt out concert plans.
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