Local television and radio broadcaster Bob Griffin and I have been friends a long time and we manage to spend time together at least once a week.  Usually it's just a matter of time before one of us has a humorous story that we've got to share. Today was Bob's turn.  He told me that Sunday he went to see his son in law serve his first communion at a church (I think) in Oil City.  All the grandkids and everyone were there.  Really serious thing you know.  Well, Bob trying to honor this dignified occasion decided that he'd better check his new I-phone to make sure the volume was turned off.  And of course, it was in one of those really quiet moments this occurred to him.  Mistakenly, Bob did NOT hit the phone volume button.  Instead he hit his Radio Pup app and Kiss Country popped up loud and proud in the middle of a "KOTEX COMMERCIAL".  Obviously that "serious moment" was over for the minute.

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