Who is the Richest Person in Louisiana?
If you are looking for someone to hit up for a couple of bucks, Tom Benson has few laying around. According Marketwatch, Mr. Benson is the richest person in the state. They recently listed the richest people in every state, and Tom clocked in as our winner with a whopping worth of over $2.6 billion!
Want to follow in his footsteps? Easy, just start buying car dealerships and banks. Then, you'll need to purchase the New Orleans Saints. It's a simple 2-step process! All kidding aside, there is good news if you want to be rich on this level: more than half of the list (35) have self-made fortunes and only 15 inherited their money. Keep grinding!
FYI, The richest person in the great Nation-state of Texas is none other than Alice Walton! You may recognize the name, she is the daughter of Sam Walton - founder of Wal-Mart. Alice is clocking in at $38.2 billion.