It's not very often that I get shy or a little jittery about putting my business out there, but during this big meeting at work this week, I get this assignment to write about "what women do about sensitive lady parts". Huh? You want me to write about my "business"? Are you kidding me? I'm not a spring chicken and I don't do too much obsessing about this subject.
But I do have a protocol. I think this might help you if you have questions about your "business".

So here I go.

It's a problem for lots of women. You have to stay with me for the entire message, because it really is important information to know.


But I am wondering, why the lovely Bristol is not the one assigned to tackle this hairy subject? Surely she is much better prepared to delve a little deeper into this matter. I bet she thinks about it way more than I do. She is a married woman, afterall.




Or why not our very cute KISS Country mid-day personality and queen of the evening on KVKI Elizabeth Morales? I would be she has a standing appointment somewhere to get these matters properly coiffed. She probably has these matters attended to right at home and doesn't even have to get out to visit a spa or a specialist.


My office mate, Jessica Rose from K945 would be a much better candidate to write about this touchy subject. She's a newlywed and is probably all about her "business". But we don't talk about this at the office.

It's just not something I want to know, nor do I want to share any details about my "business".

You can take care of this issue a few different ways. You can use the "do it yourself" method which is ok in a pinch, but I prefer to get it professionally done, and not just any professional.

My solution to this problem might be helpful to you. If I find this matter needs attention, I generally schedule a trip to Dallas to take care of my business. I just don't feel comfortable getting this kind of thing done at a local place. I might run into that lady at Kroger. Who wants to have that convo? Not this girl.

So I really haven't defined the problem. I don't think I have to, but our DME (Digital Managing Editor) wants everything spelled out, so here I go. I apologize in advance.

I have hairy toes.

It's really a problem in the summer when I want to wear sandals every day. I prefer waxing because it lasts so much longer. Shaving is not the answer, it leaves stubble around the toes and can actually itch. If I must jump in and take care of the problem in a rush, I'll use Nair (the gentle kind) which also works nicely.

Good luck to you and your business!

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