Valorie Lurry is This Week’s Recipient of the Caught in the Act Award
Valorie Lurry has got to need a nap. She's so busy helping others that sleep has got to be the last thing on her list. She's exactly the type of person we had in mind when we started the Caught in the Act Award over two years ago. We're only disappointed that we are just now hearing about this incredible woman!
It was Valorie's own big sister, Lindsay Ferrington, who nominated Valorie and her letter will show you just how easy it was to make Valorie this week's recipient of the Kiss Country Caught in the Act Award
Valorie is amazing. She has overcome many difficult situations in her life, and she has used each and every one of them to find ways to help others. Her mother had addiction issues, so Val goes out of her way to be a wonderful, loving, involved mom for her kids. She volunteers as the room mom for her daughter’s class at South Highlands Elementary, and she helps with events at her son’s preschool. Her son almost passed away at one week old from coarctation of the aorta. He had to be airlifted to Little Rock for open heart surgery. She now collects supplies yearly and takes them to Arkansas Children’s Hospital for other families in that situation. She co-founded the non-profit organization FUNds for a Purpose that raises money for various families in need. This year they planned and organized the hugely successful event, Brew & BBQ, which raised $14,000 for two local heart b aby families. Val was the victim of a horrific assault at age 14, but she has even turned that into a positive influence on others. She is on the board of directors at the Gingerbread House, she spoke at the LSU Health Sexual Assault Awareness event last year, and she speaks to future healthcare providers yearly to better prepare them to treat victims of sexual assault. By speaking out publically, she has had many victims come to her for advice, even some that have never told anyone about their incidents. Valorie credits all of her strength and success to God. She is very active in her church. Because of her unwavering faith, she was selected to be a Christian mentor for other women in a program at the church even though she was only 31 years old at the time. She plans, decorates, and works events there all of the time. In early August, she will be traveling to San Antonio, TX to paint a mural at an adoption agency in memory of a precious adopted child who heartbreakingly passed awa y earlier this year from SIDS. She does every bit of this without any compensation, often spending her own money, while working a full-time job. She would literally find a way to help anyone in need. She’s my little sister, but she inspires me daily to be a better person.
Valorie Lurry, thank you for being one of the biggest reasons why this is the greatest place in America to live!
And because you've been "Caught in the Act" the gang at Silver Star Smokehouse have a $100 Gift Certificate for you to come have dinner on them!
Take a listen to the phone call we made to Valorie to let her know that she was this week's Caught In The Act Award recipient.
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