Texas Universities Ditch ACT and SAT For Entrance Requirement

On the list of "Brand New Things to Worry About: 2020 Edition" you will likely find "How can I get into college if all the entrance exams have been canceled?" near the top of the list. Not only have high school seniors (class of 2020) been denied anything but a stripped down graduation ceremony (if that) to recognize their years of hard work, but the next step for many seems almost impossible!
Because public gatherings of any kind are heavily regulated if not banned, SAT and ACT testing has been difficult to say the least. Across the country, testing days have been cancelled and testing sites have been shut down to help slow the spread of Coronavirus. While that may make sense from a public health standpoint, it's absolutely a roadblock when it comes to the traditional process of getting into college.
Luckily, university officials in Texas have decided to two-step around the testing requirement this year in order to clear the way for a new class of students. The Longview News Journal is reporting that Baylor University, Texas Tech University, Texas Christian University, Southern Methodist University and St. Edward’s University all have agreed to put SAT and ACT testing requirements on the back burner until 2021.
What's more, some of these institutions are seriously considering abandoning these testing requirements altogether. The theory is, by eliminating the standardized testing these colleges will be able to better diversify and expand the current pool of potential students. Officials will reportedly put the emphasis back on high school grades and curriculum, letters of recommendation, and extended resumes to vet potential scholars this year - and possibly from now on.
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