Busy Shreveport I-20 On-Ramp To Be Closed All WeekendBusy Shreveport I-20 On-Ramp To Be Closed All WeekendIt would appear that when it comes to traffic issues in the Shreveport and Bossier City area, "when it rains, it pours."Gary McCoyGary McCoy
Traffic Nightmare! Construction on I-20 in Bossier Starts TodayTraffic Nightmare! Construction on I-20 in Bossier Starts TodayToday's the day we have been dreading. The two-year long reconstruction project of I-20 in Bossier City begins today.Gary McCoyGary McCoy
Another I-20 Lane Closure Set For Sunday In Bossier ParishAnother I-20 Lane Closure Set For Sunday In Bossier ParishTraveling I-20 through our area this weekend could be as much fun as a root canal.Gary McCoyGary McCoy
Look For I-20 Lane Closures This Weekend That Will Make Traffic SlowLook For I-20 Lane Closures This Weekend That Will Make Traffic SlowOnce again this weekend, driving through Shreveport and Bossier could become a little tricky.Gary McCoyGary McCoy
Hwy 171 Road Closures Continue This Week in KeithvilleHwy 171 Road Closures Continue This Week in KeithvilleThankfully, today, being a holiday, the closure wasn't too bad an issue, but the work does continue tomorrow and on into next week Gary McCoyGary McCoy
Bossier Issues Traffic Advisory For Downtown DevelopmentBossier Issues Traffic Advisory For Downtown DevelopmentProgress is not without challenges. Soon, the further development of the downtown Bossier City area will create some traffic problems. Mark Natale, Bossier City Spokesman, has release a statement regarding the impending traffic snarls.Tom E. GunnTom E. Gunn