Can you pronounce theses words correctly? Tangipahoa, Ponchartrain, or Tchoupitoulas? If so give yourself 5 stars and you get to keep your Louisianian card for another year.
Congratulations Elizabeth McDivitt of Doyline! Just for telling Kiss Country What to Play, she picked up $100 FREE Gas!!! It's too easy! Just click that Monkey wearing headphones in this post and it takes you right to the registration page. Tell Kiss Co...
Ok, so apparently I'm dumber than the Cuban refugees trying to get their US Citizenship because they pass the test every day....and honestly, I FAILED miserably. Newsweek magazine just published the results of a survey they did highlighting just how ignorant America really is. They gave the standard U.S. citizenship test to 1,000 American adults, and the magazine found that 38% could not qualify
You can win a CD 3-pack from the Kiss Country Prize Closet, just by completing this Music Taste Test. This is your chance to win some great new CDs as well as tell us how you feel about Today’s Hit Country.