If Your Power Bill In Texas Is Higher Due To Winter, Try These 9 Things To Lower ItIf Your Power Bill In Texas Is Higher Due To Winter, Try These 9 Things To Lower ItSome of our wallets are hurting that's for sure.Tommy ParadiseTommy Paradise
SWEPCO Reports More Than 37,000 Powerless After This Morning’s StormsSWEPCO Reports More Than 37,000 Powerless After This Morning’s StormsThere were less than 3,000 SWEPCO customers without power at about 5:00 am this morning on Monday, June 26.Gary McCoyGary McCoy
No Power For Over 10,000 SWEPCO Customers After Massive StormsNo Power For Over 10,000 SWEPCO Customers After Massive StormsSWEPCO's outage map shows that the hardest hit areas include those in West Shreveport, Greenwood and Bethany south to Panola to near DeBerryGary McCoyGary McCoy
SWEPCO Will Boost Louisiana’s Power Grid with Wind From OklahomaSWEPCO Will Boost Louisiana’s Power Grid with Wind From OklahomaThe gigantic, 199-megawatt (MW) Sundance facility is up and running as we speak, but it's only the tip of the iceberg.Brandon MichaelBrandon Michael
SWEPCO Appeals to Customers to Conserve ElectricitySWEPCO Appeals to Customers to Conserve ElectricitySouthwestern Electric Power Co. is asking all customers to conserve electricity for 48 hoursGary McCoyGary McCoy
SWEPCO Power Outage Affects Nearly 1,000 in Bossier ParishSWEPCO Power Outage Affects Nearly 1,000 in Bossier ParishIt was sometime around 2:00 this morning when the sound of my smoke alarm beeping brought me to my feet.Gary McCoyGary McCoy
More than 65,000 Without Power in NW LA and East TX, 911 DisabledMore than 65,000 Without Power in NW LA and East TX, 911 DisabledFrom Shreveport to Canton and Mt. Enterprise to Mt. Pleasant - thousands of residents in Northwest Louisiana and East Texas are without power tonight. Brandon MichaelBrandon Michael
SWEPCO Reports More Than 25,000 Without PowerSWEPCO Reports More Than 25,000 Without PowerStorms yesterday afternoon and Sunday night into the wee hours of Monday morning have once again reeked havoc on the Ark-La-TexGary McCoyGary McCoy