
Take The Bacon Quiz
Take The Bacon Quiz
Take The Bacon Quiz
It turns out taking the quiz is a must for the bacon lover in all of us. You will find some healthy tips and learn a lot about my favorite breakfast food in the process..
Bucket List of a Terminally Ill Baby [VIDEO]
Bucket List of a Terminally Ill Baby [VIDEO]
Bucket List of a Terminally Ill Baby [VIDEO]
This is the story of a precious baby girl who is predicted to be alive and experiencing life with her amazing family for another 13 months. "Don't forget to share my story with everyone you know!  But make sure when you tell people about me, you tell them I'm not dying, I'm living...and they should be too!" Those are the words spoken on behalf of Avery Canahuati by her parents. Parents
Birth Control Injection For Men – OUCH!
Birth Control Injection For Men – OUCH!
Birth Control Injection For Men – OUCH!
Vasalgel is a soon to be released birth control for men, it's being referred to as a "prevention serum"--the benefits could last up to 10 years! Good luck getting any man to sign up for this new "foolproof" birth control injection.