I guess we must all learn to face facts. Even those of us here in the great state of Louisiana are subject to the growing tide of America's "Cancel Culture."
My car serves a variety of functions in addition to getting me from point A to point B safely. If you've listened to the show for any length of time you've heard me talk about listening to my Joyce Meyer podcasts on the way into work to get my day started in the right frame of mind.
For those who might ask "Where was God?" during the horrific events of 9/11/01, this video delivers a powerful message that answers all questions. God Bless America!
For those who might not believe in God or miracles, you should probably stop reading here, because this story will only infuriate you as it gives even more proof that both exist and are still making their presence known!
It looks to me as though God could be put on trial here in the heart of the Bible Belt. In the last few days a local teacher's letter to The Times has ruffled the feathers of the Louisiana chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union. Because of this letter, the ACLU has requested the Caddo Parish School Board to investigate if teachers might be illegally teaching Creationism.
I'm not sure what to think about this new study that reveals 1 in 5 Americans is religiously unaffiliated. Why? What happened along the way in our busy lives that religion just started fading away? Read the story, look at the statistics -- then tell me what you think. . .