Each morning, Gary and Bristol get up bright and early to make sure you get the latest from Nashville, New York City and Hollywood with Entertainment this Morning!
Despite the inclement weather, I had a blast at the Duck Commander Independence Bowl Saturday. The teams (South Carolina and Miami) were great and it was a good, close scoring gaming. The entire Duck Commander crew was out in full force and available for taking pictures with the kids, etc...
After another crazy week of college football, it looks as if the Duck Commander Independence Bowl will likely fulfill conference tie-ins with a matchup of SEC and ACC teams.
Emmitt Smith spoke this afternoon at the Shreveport Convention Center for the Duck Commander Independence Bowl Kickoff Luncheon. The interview style session was moderated by Tim Brando.
Independence Bowl Officials, Duck Commander representatives and the media assembled today at Superior Steakhouse to make the worst kept secret in North Louisiana official: The Duck Commander Independence Bowl is coming to Shreveport!
They've built a 'Duck Dynasty' out of a small North Louisiana duck call business. They've already experienced television success with their Outdoor Channel 'Duck Commander' series and now the Robertson family has a new show premiering March 21st on A&E called 'Duck Dynasty'. Read the pros and cons of working with family from Willie and Jase Robertson!