US Health Officials Recommend Booster Shot of Moderna COVID-19 VaccineUS Health Officials Recommend Booster Shot of Moderna COVID-19 VaccineU.S. health officials just endorsed booster shots of Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine for some at-risk Americans. Townsquare StaffTownsquare Staff
Louisiana Teachers to be Prioritized for COVID-19 VaccineLouisiana Teachers to be Prioritized for COVID-19 VaccineAs a teacher's son, I can say this is great news.Jay WhatleyJay Whatley
New York Highlights Vaccination Distribution FailuresNew York Highlights Vaccination Distribution FailuresHealthcare providers must find enough people, of only certain criteria, all at one time, or else they will face up to $1 million in finesGreg AtomsGreg Atoms
The First Major COVID Treatment Could Come From ShreveportThe First Major COVID Treatment Could Come From ShreveportThis treatment is showing incredible promise, in two different areas, and the leading research is coming from Shreveport. Greg AtomsGreg Atoms
State Says Louisiana ‘Phasing’ Period Ends Once Vaccine Is ReadyState Says Louisiana ‘Phasing’ Period Ends Once Vaccine Is ReadyThe State's Open Safely websites says "PHASING PERIOD ENDS once a vaccine is discovered and is made widely available." How long could that take? Greg AtomsGreg Atoms