The Barksdale Bubble is Just Showing Off at This Point [PHOTO]The Barksdale Bubble is Just Showing Off at This Point [PHOTO]Recently, I stumbled across an astonishing look at our favorite Shreveport-related conspiracy theory: The Barksdale Bubble.Jay WhatleyJay Whatley
Vegas’ Betting Odds on First Contact with Aliens Have Improved 10xVegas’ Betting Odds on First Contact with Aliens Have Improved 10xWhen Vegas bookies start hedging their bets on this particular issue, it's time to start tidying up the place - it looks like we may have companyBrandon MichaelBrandon Michael
Conspiracy Theories About COVID-19 Run the Entire GamutConspiracy Theories About COVID-19 Run the Entire GamutWhen I tell you there are so many conspiracy theories blanketing our country in regards to coronavirus COVID-19, that there's no way to highlight them allGary McCoyGary McCoy
Does the SBC Really Believe Earth is Flat?Does the SBC Really Believe Earth is Flat?Do you believe the earth is flat? Vote below!Krystal MontezKrystal Montez