State Fire Marshal Deputy Arrested for Cruelty to Animals
The State Fire Marshal’s Office has arrested a State Fire Marshal deputy following the death of an agency K-9 officer.
Arrest warrants for Robert Fain, a corporal in the Shreveport area, include one count each of Aggravated Cruelty to Animals and Malfeasance in Office as well as six counts of 1st Degree Injuring Public Records and four counts each of Theft and Payroll Fraud.
Fain resigned his position with the agency upon his arrest.
The investigation into Robert Fain began in October following the death of his department-issued K-9 officer, Maily. A necropsy of the dog, conducted per agency protocol, revealed neglectful malnourishment as the cause of Maily’s death, as opposed to a lengthy illness as claimed by Fain. Additionally, a subsequent review of Fain’s K-9 activity showed he claimed fraudulent hours and expenses related to working with the dog.
A separate investigation was already underway into Fain at the time of Maily’s death. In August, a supervisor’s regular review of Fain’s fire investigation case files revealed inconsistencies. It was later learned Fain had taken steps to cover up incomplete investigative work on one of his fire cases which included fabricating reports involving K-9 Maily.
In the wake of the findings in K-9 Maily’s death, the SFM is taking steps to review its K-9 program.
“As a dog owner and former K-9 handler myself, these findings make me sick,” said State Fire Marshal Butch Browning, “We consider all of our K-9 officers part of our law enforcement family and treatment of these animals as anything less is unacceptable. Outright neglect and abuse like this will not be tolerated or excused. These actions alleged against Robert Fain are the actions of one individual and are not reflective of the dedication our handlers have to their K-9 partners nor of our agency’s commitment to public safety and abating arson.”