Show Us Your Snow Pics Contest from Kiss Country
It's not often that we wake to white blanket of freshly fallen snow here in Northwest Louisiana, but the "Hallmark-esk" site we've got this morning is beautiful enough that it needs to be memorialized in a photo album.
So, we are asking you to "Show us your "Snow Pics". If you've snapped a photo of you and the kids or something you thought might be funny, we want to see it!
Just go to the Kiss Country Facebook page and submit the photo. You must own the picture you submit (It can't be something some took from someone else or shared from someone else's social media.)
The funniest picture we receive will win a $25 Gift Certificate from Notini's but we're going to try and put them all in a big photo album, "Louisiana Snow Storm 2021", which we'll put here on our website.
We'll announce the winner at 9:30 am TODAY, January 11.