Louisiana Deer Hunters Can Win $1,000 Just For Submitting Deer Sample
The Louisiana Department of Wildlife & Fisheries isn't playing around when it comes to Chronic Wasting Disease in Louisiana's deer herd. The good news is that, to date, there have been no known cases of the deadly disease in Louisiana's deer, but it has been documented in the deer herds of Texas, Arkansas, and Mississippi.
What Is Chronic Wasting Disease?
CWD is a neurodegenerative disease found in most deer species, including white-tailed deer, mule deer, elk, red deer, moose, and caribou. It is infectious, always fatal, and has no known treatment.
Again, no case has yet to be discovered in Louisiana, but to be proactive, Louisiana continues to monitor for the fatal disease and this year they are soliciting the help of both hunters and taxidermists, by putting a prize on the line for some participant.
Hunters Could Win a $1,000 Gift Card
In a story from the Louisiana Radio Network we learn that LDWF Deer Program Manager Johnathan Bordelon says hunters will be entered into a contest to win $1,000 when they submit a sample from a mature buck harvested this deer season. Bordelon explains, “A submission in this case would be to bring a head with approximately three inches of neck attached, we would actually be able to remove the sample and they would be able to leave with the head if they so chose.”
Taxidermists Could Win a $500 Gift Card
Though taxidermists are not eligible to enter a sample with the general public for $1,000 but in a separate contest they could win a $500 gift card when they submit an entry meeting the contest guidelines as the sample needs to be an adult buck.
Why an adult buck? According to Bordelon, “Adult bucks typically have the highest prevalence rates where the disease is found, of course here in Louisiana we have not detected the disease, which is great news.”
Participants, including hunters and taxidermists, are asked to contact their local LDWF Field Office to submit a sample. Both drawings will be held March 18, 2022.
For additional information, just go the LDWF website.