Startling Rumor Circulating That Uncle Si of Duck Dynasty Died
After seeing scores of people offering condolences to the Robertson family of Duck Dynasty fame over the weekend, I had to do some research of my own.

My initial fear was that Phil Robertson, the family patriarch, had passed away. With the recent announcement of his deteriorating health, that was an obvious assumption, but turns out, these condolences had nothing to do with Phil.
No, this announcement was in regard to the ever humorous, tea sippin', Uncle Si. It was alleged that he had passed away after being injured in a hunting accident.
Let the rumor mill reflect that Silas Merritt “Si” Robertson, 76-years-old is NOT dead.
How Did The Rumor Uncle Si Had Died Get Started To Begin With?
What the originators of these fake news articles hope to gain from false announcements of this nature hope to gain is completely beyond me, but the fact of the matter is that, Si is doing just fine and anxiously awaiting his regular appearances on the new Duck Dynasty: The Revival which is set to premier this summer.
While completely untrue that Si has passed, according to a story published this past Friday, January 24, by countrymusicfamily.com, we learn that a podcast was likely the impetus for the rumor.
In the story, we read that Si was absent from the Robertson's latest Duck Call Room podcast, due to a hunting accident. Apparently he took a pretty nasty fall on a recent hunting trip in Arkansas that landed him in the emergency room three days later suffering from intensive pain and with seriously low oxygen numbers.
After his oxygen levels returned to normal, and it was determined he had no broken ribs, Uncle Si was released from the hospital.
So, if you see the rumor, know it's totally untrue, and though he's still uncomfortable, Uncle Si is home and doing fine.
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