Red River Crest Forecast Lowered to 31 Feet
National Weather Service forecasters have changed their prediction on the Red River's crest.
It's expected to crest late tomorrow or early Wednesday in Shreveport-Bossier at 31 feet, 1.5 feet lower than the previous prediction.
"We've lowered the crest level on the Red River to 31 feet in Shreveport and 32 feet down river at Coushatta," meteorologist C.S. Ross said in a news release. "The flood wave is currently moving through the Spring Branch Ferry and is expected here Wednesday."
One reason for the lower prediction is less-than-expected rainfall in the Red River basin over the weekend. Though there were a few showers early this afternoon, significant rainfall isn't expected over the next few days.
Forecasters continue to urge residents to remain watchful for the next few weeks. They say reservoirs to the north are still near or beyond capacity, with Lake Texoma reporting a 106-percent level. Ross said the lake's spillway is being overtopped by one foot of water.
Ross said another tropical storm like Bill could still cause serious problems downstream. He told local officials the Red River might be closed to recreational boating and fishing for the duration of the summer because of the high water. Boat traffic could be kept off the river until Labor Day.
Sandbags will remain available until Monday, July 6, at the Bossier Parish Police Jury Highway Department on Mayfield St. in Benton from 7AM until 3:30PM, as well as at Elm Grove Elementary School and the Tooke Memorial Library in Koran.
Residents who want to get rid of sandbags can put them out on the curb and call the police jury highway department to have crews pick them up.