Possible Bigfoot Sightings in Louisiana

It wasn't terribly long ago that Animal Planet's show "Finding Bigfoot" discussed what they called a "credible" Bigfoot sighting on the side of a Louisiana road.
The highlight reel of the show's episode concerning this sighting, features hosts Ranae and Cliff as they visit with a couple who truly believe what they saw on the side of this road was indeed Bigfoot.
Though the reel never identifies the couple, nor the road they were travelling when the sighting occurred, the hosts do say that the couple, who appear to be in their 70's, were both Justices of the Peace, and that "everybody around trusts them." The hosts go on to say that the pair had nothing to gain from reporting the sighting and essentially this is what made their sighting "credible."
In the story we learn that the couple had just washed their car and were driving slowly down and old dirt road when they spotted a huge, six or seven foot tall, black creature on the side of the road. The older gentleman says what he noticed first was the sheer height and width and the color of the creature. The two immediately called the Sheriff's office to report the sighting.
Couple this with last summer's report from usnews.com of researchers searching for Bigfoot in the Kisatchie National Forest and it might lead you to seriously consider the possibility of Bigfoot here in the Bayou State.
In the report from US News, we learn of the studies surrounding the possible existence of Bigfoot in central Louisiana's Kisatchie by two researchers simply know as "Claude" and "Tex-La." According to the report:
To avoid harassment and ridicule from those who don't believe in Bigfoot, Tex-La and Claude from Baton Rouge don't want to disclose their full names or the locations in Kisatachie National Forest where they are researching.
"A lot of people don't want to come forward because they don't want to be intimidated," said Tex-La about other Bigfoot researchers.
While I've personally spent as much time as any other Louisiana boy hunting the woods and fishing the lakes, rivers and bayous of our great state, and have never seen anything even remotely like a Bigfoot, I can understand why someone who does have an unusual encounter might be reluctant to come forward. The possible harassment, joking and outright ridicule could be overwhelming.
But with possible sightings on the Red River, around Caddo Lake, the piney woods of Winn Parish, the unnamed road mentioned above by the older couple, and now actual research in Kisatchie National Forest, it certainly makes you wonder.
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