No matter where you stand on the issue of Shreveport throwing it's hat in the ring to play host to a 'G' league team for the New Orleans Pelicans, you can show your Shreveport pride this afternoon!

Shreveport Mayor Ollie Tyler invites the public to come to the new BHP Billiton YMCA on Knight Street in Shreveport this afternoon at 6pm to show their support for the project by participating in a pep rally that will be videoed to show the Pelicans organization our enthusiasm.

Shreveport is one of five cities who have submitted a proposal to host the development team and Mayor Tyler says that other cities with G-League teams have experienced millions of dollars in economic growth... Growth that would be needed to help defray the cost of a $25 million sports complex Shreveport would build if selected.

Maybe Tom Benson can pull out his checkbook?

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