On the Cutting Edge of Cool? Fridge Selfies!
Are Kiss Country's own Gary and Bristol on the cutting edge of cool when it comes to the latest online trend? Maybe so!
Jennifer Love Hewitt started the trend of 'fridge selfies' back in August with her Instagram series 'Fridge Light Confessions.' One fun thing she discovered? Everyone takes a great selfie by the light of the refrigerator!
Sure, the lighting is great, but Gary and I still can't take a picture without at least one of us being out of focus!
Either way, the trend has now gained some serious traction on social media platforms like Instagram and Twitter.
As you can see, there are two different ways to take a #fridgeselfie... You can either take a picture of yourself by the light of your ice box OR a picture of the contents of your fridge. Since I don't think anyone wants to see the inside of a radio station fridge, we opted for Gary and myself! Plus, we were in a hurry... As with most trends, I can't imagine this one will last much past this weekend...