For just a second, close your eyes and imagine that you're out on your favorite lake or river, just enjoying a day of fishing. Peaceful isn't it?

Now, imagine that in the blink of an eye, all the water beneath your boat is completely sucked out from under you, leaving you on dry ground miles from the nearest shore.

It happened just like that for three Louisiana boaters this past Sunday, January 16, causing the boaters to be rescued by the United States Coast Guard.

Before you incorrectly assume that it was all because of a falling tide, nope, that wasn't the issue.  It's something far more bizarre.

The crazy incident took place near Hopedale, Louisiana, also known as La Chinche, southeast of New Orleans along Bayou La Loutre in St. Bernard Parish, Louisiana.

In a press release from the Coast Guard, we read:

Coast Guard Sector New Orleans watchstanders received notification of an 18-foot flat bottom boat that ran aground due to sudden changes in water depth with three people aboard.

"Mariners are advised to use caution and stay alert as winter weather systems can cause drastic changes in water levels," said Cmdr. Roberto Trevino, a search and rescue mission coordinator assigned to the Sector New Orleans Command Center.

According to an article from, we find that the reason the water disappeared so quickly was actually a product of Mother Nature.

Apparently, because of Louisiana's low-lying topography, strong weather fronts, like the one Southeast Louisiana experienced Sunday, can literally blow all the water out of an area.

Sometimes, those winds cause rapid rises in water, while other times, it “causes the water level to drop rapidly,” according to a study posted by the U.S. National Library of medicine National Institutes of Health.


The Coast Guard took to their Facebook page to inform the public about the incident.

Of course, a posting like that generated hilarious comments from other Louisiana boaters like Lonnie Evans, who wrote, "Is it really a “rescue”??? Being stuck on a boat, with my buddies, on a workday sounds like a situation I wouldn’t want to be “rescued” from."

Brent Johnson added something he noted from the photo, "At least he has his power poles down." Bryan Ayo had to differ from that one with his comment, "Power Pole needs to be UP dude!!!"

Nick Sherman added, "Why didn’t they get out and walk." Nick, evidently you've never attempted walking in that area. It's impossible. I'd be willing to bet the mud there is over 6 feet deep. Getting out of the vessel would have been the worst mistake ever.

Thank goodness all ended well. According to the Coast Guard, the boaters were last reported to be in stable condition. 

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