Lifeshare Blood Drive at Urgent Care of Louisiana
Did you know that 4.5 million people would die every year if it wasn't for blood transfusions? In the U.S. alone 32,000 pints of blood are used daily. Blood donations are crucial for our community. Thankfully Urgent Care of Louisiana will be hosting a blood drive on Friday, July 20th at 6841 Fern Ave in Shreveport. If you have time, stop by from 9 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and donate! The Urgent Care of Louisiana is seeking all blood types and they desperately need the rare blood types like O +/-. If you or someone you know happen to have the rare blood types that they are in desperate need of, please feel free to share this with someone who can help.
Why do you donate blood? Everyone out there has a story as to why they choose to take time out of their hectic schedules and go donate blood. If you happen to be a donor we would love to hear why you donate in the comments below!